Peluang Home Industri Produk BISCOJA (Biskuit Coklat Jahe) Untuk Meningkatkan ketrampilan Berwirausaha


  • Lu’luul Fitriyyah Universitas Sahid Surakarta, Indonesia
  • Aprilia Fifi Wardaningtyas Universitas Sahid Surakarta, Indonesia
  • Wahyuningsih Wahyuningsih Universitas Sahid Surakarta, Indonesia
  • Rini Handayani Susilowati Universitas Sahid Surakarta, Indonesia


entrepreneurship, student, ginger chocolate biscuit


Entrepreneurship is an effort to create added value by combining resources through new and different ways to win the competition. This added value can be created by developing new technology, discovering new knowledge. Finding new ways to produce new goods and services more efficiently, improving existing products and services, and finding new ways to provide satisfaction to consumers. Entrepreneurship education can also increase students' interest in choosing entrepreneurship as a career choice other than being a Civil Servant (PNS), which has been a favorite choice.

Entrepreneurship education can direct the attitudes, behavior, interests and motivations as well as the mindset of students to become a true entrepreneur. Students are prospective graduates who are educated (intellectual) who need to be encouraged and have the intention and motivation to become entrepreneurship (entrepreneurial intention) considering that the current and future competition in the business world relies more on knowledge. Therefore, we took the initiative to make a healthy snack product from natural ingredients, namely ginger chocolate biscuit (BISCOJA) which of course has many benefits, one of which is to relieve menstrual pain.


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