About the Journal

Jurnal Pengabdian Teknologi Tepat Guna/JPTTG

Jurnal ini fokus pada hasil penelitian yang dapat atau berpotensi diaplikasikan hasil dari Dosen, Mahasiswa, Peneliti, Praktisi dan Aparatur Negara. Hasil penelitian yang diaplikasikan adalah hasil kegiatan dari penelitian yang diterapkan dalam bentuk transfer ilmu kepada masyarakat.  Kegiatan ini bertujuan  meningkatkan pengetahuan. ketrampilan maupun kecakapan. Pada awal tahun Jurnal terbit dua kali dalam setahun di bulan Maret dan September. Tahun 2023 rintisan terbit tiga kali dalam setahun. Mulai tahun 2024 In Syaa Alloh terbit bulan Maret, Juli dan Nopember. 


Current Issue

Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024): Teknologi Tepat Guna (JPTTG)
					View Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024):  Teknologi Tepat Guna (JPTTG)

This journal is published by Sahid Surakarta University in collaboration with the Service Journal Management Consortium. Journals are research results that can be applied, methods carried out by students, lecturers, teachers, ASN and researchers that have a changing effect on society. The journal is published in March, July and November each year. The journal has No ISSN: 2746-1300 (Print)ISSN: 2746-1319 (Online). The process of publishing journal articles is carried out in stages from manuscript submission, editor, reviewer, dummy, publication. This process is carried out openly so that the author has certainty about the time of publication.



1). Manuscripts without corrections from the editor and reviewer pay Rp. 200,000.00 as a publication fee.

2). Manuscripts that have been revised by editor and reviewer will be charged an additional fee according to the correction level.

3). The editor checks the manuscript for one week, and the reviewer checks the manuscript for two weeks.

Published: 2024-03-21


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